COVID-19 Policy

 I am aware that COVID-19 and other viruses and illnesses are contagious.  I am aware that people with COVID-19 and other viruses and illnesses can be non-systematic, meaning that people may be sick and contagious without symptoms.  I am aware that if I stay in this campground, I am doing it at my own risk and could be exposing myself and my occupants to COVID-19 and other viruses and illnesses.  I am responsible for myself and my guests.  If anyone in my camping unit gets sick, we will inform management who will inform the local Health Department and we will follow their advice on how to proceed.  I am aware that I may be required to leave the campground if anyone in my camping unit displays illness.  I will indemnify the campground from any claims no matter the source, due exposure to COVID-19 and other viruses and illnesses on behalf of myself and the occupants of my camping unit.  I will pay any legal fees, damages and costs related to claims either brought by the occupants of my camping unit or brought by other campers in the event someone gets sick in my camping unit or from me and my occupants.   I agree that I and the people occupying my camping unit will wear masks at all times as long as this mandate is in place by the Governor and/or other health authorities when outside and keep at least 6 feet away from other campers as long as the State of NJ and CDC require this.