Cancellation Policy

Lock site and booking fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Nightly Cancellations and Refunds:  If you need to cancel, cancel by e-mail or phone 757-565-2300 to avoid owing the full stay. 8 days or more prior to arrival, nightly reservations can be canceled for a cancellation fee of just $35, lock site and booking fees are non-refundable.  If you would like to avoid the cancellation fee of $35, we can easily hold your deposit to a future stay with no blackout dates or expiration if you cancel your reservation on time.

For example: If you are arriving on a Friday and need to cancel, you must cancel by the Thursday of the week before to qualify for a refund and not owe your entire stay.

There are no refunds for nightly reservations within 7 days of arrival for nightly reservations.

Monthly Special Offer

Cancellations can be made 1 month and 1 day or more prior to arrival for a cancellation fee of 10% of first month.

There are no refunds on this monthly special reservation within 1 month of arrival